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Adam is Mankind and Eve is his Religion


What then is Cain and Abel? CAIN AND ABEL

Adam, as we have seen was not an individual but was a unique society separated by his religion and spiritual wife (Eve). They had children; Cain and Abel. Of course these are not real people either so just what are they? In order to answer this we once again turn to Christianity. Jesus created Christianity but it was some 300 years before the Roman Catholic Church was born. After a time Christianity begat Catholic, then Lutheran, then Anglican, then Protestant then Methodist and so forth all these denominations and many more are all children of the one Mother; Christianity! Every offshoot of the religion is viewed as offspring. Each has a name and each a particular curriculum which differs from the parent. Cain and Abel are just such offspring. The Bible tells us all we need to know in order to resolve their mystery. For example their name meanings are freely given to us, in fact the Bible always tells us the name meaning of important people especially if the name meaning is crucial to understanding the meaning of their story as are Cain and Abel.




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